can you play pubg mobile with controller
A few years ago it was possible to play PUBG Mobile with a controller through the free Octopus app. Under Controller select Controller settings. Pubg Mobile Controller Mobile Phone Game Game Controller Phone Games ALTERNATIVES- While its difficult playing on a controller can be a breath of fresh air in PUBG Mobile Unfortunately for controller players the process is not as simple as other games. . Mobile allows players to connect their Xbox One and DualShock 4 controllers. The answer is simple. Unless something changes however you still cant officially use a PS4 controller on PUBG Mobile. Most of our mobile gaming is centred around AAA mobile titles - made to be controlled with on-screen controls. Use the link above to know all about the new additions to your favorite game. It isnt And given how iOS 13 outright broke PUBG Mobile for those that evolved from playing with just their thumbs to more than three fingers on the scr...